In my effort to double-check that fact before positing it here, I came across Journeywoman's blog and discovered a couple more interesting facts.
- Delhi Belly can happen in Jakarta.
- "Jam keret" is an Indonesian expression that means rubber time and is used to reinforce the idea of being patient because people are not in so much of a hurry as they are in Canada.
- Everyone wants to know where you are from and how many people are in your family.
- Always carry toilet paper, unless you are really interested in learning about the above mentioned bucket and ladle. Oh, and...
Now, this Journeywoman didn't seem to share Fisher Steven's impression that Indoesia is a sexist society. She called it modest, said she was never sexually harassed, and said that people are usually curious about a woman travelling alone. Modesty is good, as is an absence of sexual harassment matched with a healthy sense of curiousity (in fact the last two together are usually rather pleasing), but I'm not sure how I feel about the spectacle of the lone woman traveller.
Does it indicate a lack of freedom? Is it indicative of anything or just interesting? After all, women are expected to travel about without men often enough that they deserve their own carriages on commuter trains.
I'm afraid, the jury is still out on this one.
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